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lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Scientology - una nueva forma de ateísmo postulatorio inmanentista


What is Scientology?

Scientology: Scio (Latin) "knowing, in the fullest sense of the word," logos (Greek) "study of." Thus Scientology means "knowing how to know."

Scientology is a twenty-first-century religion. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, and prime among those truths: Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisions. He is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but he can achieve new states of awareness he may never have dreamed possible.

In one form or another, all great religions have held the hope of spiritual freedom—a condition free of material limitations and misery. The question has always been, however, how does one reach such a state, particularly while still living amidst a frantic and often overwhelming society?

Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex array of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to those problems are basically simple and within every man's reach. Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, nagging insecurities, self-doubt and despair—each man innately possesses the potential to be free of these and many other concerns.

Scientology offers a pathway to greater freedom.

What is the Concept of God in Scientology?

In Scientology, the concept of God is expressed as the Eighth Dynamic—the urge toward existence as infinity, as God or the Supreme Being. As the Eighth Dynamic, the Scientology concept of God rests at the very apex of universal survival.

In his book Science of Survival, L. Ron Hubbard wrote: “No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical and less valuable to themselves and society....A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man.”

Scientology seeks to bring one to a new level of spiritual awareness where he can reach his own conclusions concerning the nature of God and what lies in store for him after his present lifetime. Thus, like many Eastern religions, salvation in Scientology is attained through personal spiritual growth and enlightenment.

As one’s level of spiritual awareness increases through participation in auditing and training, he attains his own certainty of every dynamic and, as he moves from the Seventh (Spiritual) Dynamic to the Eighth, will come to his own conclusions concerning the nature of God (or the Supreme Being or infinity) and his relationship to that dynamic.


El problema clave de esta nueva forma, es que la salvación surge de la voluntad humana. En resumen: “te portas bien, te salvas”. Pregunto, entonces, ¿dónde (unde) está la gracia?

Se ve la ‘función’ de Dios como mero creador, sin más. El no ayuda al hombre, sino que éste se auxilia a sí mismo, los males se sanan con «saliva humana» (Cf. Mc 7, 33-35).

No es posible para un ser finito, como es el caso del hombre, ser su propio garante de infinitud.

Ya se hace obvio al asegurar la evidente creación, de que no tiene la capacidad de realizarse plenamente por sí mismo.


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